Intern, You can’t imagine what you might learn and hopefully we will learn something from you!

Intern will benefit with us! Social Medial skills, Tickets to Opera,Ballet,Symphony.

Opéra national du Rhin France

Intern or Volunteer with MEET ME AT THE OPERA

Intern with us in the field of IT, SEO, Social Media, Creative writing, PR, Marketing/Sales.

Jobs opening for today intern for 2017/18.

Email us [email protected]

Call us +1.917.579.1241


The Volunteer Program with Meet Me at the Opera catapults its members behind the scenes of one of the most exciting, international, and prestigious social environments: the world of opera. Volunteers will gain hands-on experience and an insider look into the workings of this exclusive global community. They will have the opportunity to meet famous people, attend lavish events, and gain special access to tickets for performances.

There has rarely been an opportunity to experience this magnificent culture so intimately, while also ingratiating oneself into a friendly community of opera lovers.

Email us [email protected]

Call us +1.917.579.1241




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