Warning: Declaration of AWPCP_CategoriesListWalker::walk($elements, $max_depth = 0) should be compatible with Walker::walk($elements, $max_depth, ...$args) in /var/www/meetmeattheopera.com/wp-content/plugins/another-wordpress-classifieds-plugin/includes/views/frontend/class-categories-list-walker.php on line 9
Warning: Declaration of GW_GoPricing_Plugin_Installer_Skin::feedback($string) should be compatible with WP_Upgrader_Skin::feedback($feedback, ...$args) in /var/www/meetmeattheopera.com/wp-content/plugins/go_pricing/includes/core/class_plugin_installer_skin.php on line 0 Profile – sihebb – Meet Me At The Opera
Former Senior Librarian. Educated psychologist. Priest in the Liberal Catholic Church. Most interested in: Classical Music, especially opera, record collecting (including used LP:s!!), enormous record collection, always Reading books. Living in the countryside outside Stockholm City. More than 40 years of opera experiences, home and abroad. Great friend of cats. Opera Icons: Maria Callas and Birgit Nilsson.