18apr(apr 18)7:00 pm23(apr 23)7:00 pmWORLD PREMIER.Chaya Czernowin : Infinite Now. Opera Vlaanderen. Belgium

Event Details

Chaya Czernowin : Infinite Now
18, 20, 22, 23m Apr 2017 
In Dutch, French, German, English, and surtitled in Dutch
Gent, Opera Gent
Opera Vlaanderen
Conductor Titus Engel
Director Luk Perceval
Sets Philip Bussmann
Costumes Ilse Vandenbussche
video Philip Bussmann
Lighting Philip Bussmann, Luk Perceval
Dramaturge Luc Joosten
Sopraan Karen Vourc’h
Mezzosopraan Kai Rüütel
Alt Noa Frenkel
Contratenor Terry Wey
Bariton Vincenzo Neri
Bas NN

World premiere Chaya Czernowin : Infinite Now

This creation commemorates World War I and takes as point of departure the play FRONT (2014) by Luk Perceval. The American-Israeli composer Chaya Czernowin saw the performance and connected the theatrical experience of FRONT with the novella Homecoming by the Chinese author Can Xue. The result of this union is music theatre about opening new perspectives in a harrowing situation.

In FRONT, we see the soldiers in the trenches, caught in an unending battle and constantly exposed to death. In Homecoming it is a woman who happens to find her way to a house on the edge of an abyss and gradually realises that it is impossible for her to escape. Two situations in which the moment becomes dilated to the point of infinity.

Chaya Czernowin is one of the most challenging and innovative contemporary composers working today. Her work is played around the world by leading ensembles and specialists in new music. She creates an unusual sound architecture in which all facets of music and sound become interrelated in a new way. And not only the ear, but all of the senses are engaged in the process.
Infinite Now will be the first opera directed by Luk Perceval in Flanders. It promises to be a unique combination of theatre and opera, sung and spoken word, drama and music. With Titus Engel, who conducted Akhnaten in the 2014-2015 season, the musical direction is in excellent hands.

Chaya Czernowin : Infinite Now

Web site:
Address: Opera Vlaanderen
Schouwburgstraat 3
9000 Gent
E-mail: [email protected]

Season: Sep-Jul
Capacity: 981 seats

Booking: in person, postal, phone, online
Address: Schouwburgstraat 3
Phone: +32 70 22 02 02
Opening hours: Tue-Sat: 11.00-17.45



April 18, 2017 7:00 pm - April 23, 2017 7:00 pm(GMT+00:00)


Opera Vlaanderen

Schouwburgstraat 3 9000 Gent Belgium

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